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Posts Tagged ‘Tensilica’

System-design Evolution Follows the Data

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014


In a recent blog entry we asked Chris Rowen, Cadence Fellow and Tensilica Founder, to share with us what EDA and IP (as an industry) need to do in 2014 to serve its user base better.  The following is a follow-up blog by Rowen explaining how.

System-design Evolution Follows the DataC_Rowen_Pic June 26 2008 Blk Shirt1_thumbnail

When last we chatted in this forum, I responded to a question Ed Lee proposed to this as part of the Predictions 2014 series: What do EDA and IP (as an industry) need to do in 2014 to serve its user base better?


Predictions 2014: Chris Rowen talks EDA and IP….and Beyond

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

For our final entry to this series, let me just reiterate our original question…..

What do EDA and IP (as an industry) need to do in 2014 to serve its user base better?

Chris Rowen, Cadence Fellow and Tensilica Founder, will wrap it up with his word on the subject.

“What does the EDA and IP industry need to do in 2014? Simply put, we need to move past EDA.

Let me explain. As an industry, we’re not just about ‘how’ you design something; we’re increasingly about ‘what’ you design.

This comes amid the relentless march of design complexity. It also comes as companies reconsider their position in the electronics ecosystem to try to deliver more value for customers.

For instance, semiconductor vendors are considering where they best fit into the design spectrum and they’re also looking farther upstream to understand market requirements of their customers’ customers. IP providers, for their part, are looking upstream to understand marketing technology requirements better and re-engineering their business models.


Predictions 2012 – Consolidation

Monday, January 16th, 2012

I think that there will continue to be consolidation in the EDA industry. At each process node, fewer and fewer designs ship in high enough volume to recover the enormous investment in bringing them to market, which is a bad trend for EDA. Several companies in the ecosystem will go public if the market conditions remain favorable: eSilicon, Tensilica, Atrenta. Although, as with Apache, they may get acquired at the last minute (at high valuations). Mentor may get acquired, or sell off some business lines.

Paul McLellan


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