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Posts Tagged ‘hackathon’

We have a winner of the hardware hackathon

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013


Liz here.  I’ve just gotten word from Angel Orrantia of Innopartners, and we have a winner of the 2nd-ever hardware hackathon, mentioned in our earlier post today.

Drumroll please…..



Awaiting word from Innopartners director Orrantia on winner of Open Compute Project hackathon

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

We’re waiting to hear from SKTA Innopartners LLC director Angel Orrantia on the results of the Open Compute Project hackathon that took place yesterday at the Facebook campus.   Orrantia is one of the judges. We hear that the winner will be announced at the GigaOM Structure conference this afternoon sometime.

What happened at the hackathon?

There were a number of  teams comprised of over 50 hackers from Silicon Valley, Singapore, Miami, Boston, Seattle, Virginia and Texas.

Projects included:

• building an ARM based system on a chip

• bringing robotics into the datacenter to automate repairs

• building a fast interconnect between ARM boards

• gathering server diagnostics data into a web interface for remote diagnostics over the web

• two projects on car automation

1- collecting diagnostic data about the car – like speed, fuel consumption, acceleration, etc. – to give people the ability to monitor their driving habits to prevent or avoid accidents

2- designing a headset that measures brainwaves to alert the driver or a third party company that can get in touch with the driver

Also, the winners from the last hackathon returned to continue working and expanding on their debug port aggregation hack.


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