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Posts Tagged ‘GSEDA’

The Internet of Everything – What are we really facing?

Monday, July 21st, 2014


As we had previously announced, venture capitalist Jim Hogan moderated a panel at DAC regarding the IoT. 

_MG_7133-no-halo (2)_mediumIt was an eye opener about all things IoT……or maybe we should call it the IoE (The Internet of Everything), or as one prominent editor noted, the IoW (The Internet of Whatever).  Our panelists included:  Gary Smith, Market Analyst, GSEDA; Frank Schirrmeister, Group Director, System Development Suite, Cadence; Bernard Murphy, CTO, Atrenta; and Randy Smith, VP of Marketing, Sonics.

Very lively discussion among panelists, but also from the floor!  Most notably editor Gabe Moretti of Chip Design and Simon Bloch of Samsung.  Bloch, Sr. Director of R&D in mobile consumer wireless devices, posed questions and stimulated discussion to the point where he might be called the unannounced 6th panelist.

Over the next few blogposts, we’ll share snippets of that discussion.  Gary Smith will start us off…..


What is the IoT?…Jim Hogan convenes discussion at DAC

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

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As DAC frenzy hits us all, here’s an event that EDA/IP users and media people ought to consider attending.


It’s a Jim Hogan-moderated discussion event on

IoT system design concerns

Jim will 1) introduce the topic; 2) spur, moderate, provoke discussion and 3)  sum up what we’ve learned during this session.  Of course, this group of speakers are pretty opinionated and won’t need much provocation.


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