Posts Tagged ‘Gary Smith’
Monday, July 21st, 2014
As we had previously announced, venture capitalist Jim Hogan moderated a panel at DAC regarding the IoT.
It was an eye opener about all things IoT……or maybe we should call it the IoE (The Internet of Everything), or as one prominent editor noted, the IoW (The Internet of Whatever). Our panelists included: Gary Smith, Market Analyst, GSEDA; Frank Schirrmeister, Group Director, System Development Suite, Cadence; Bernard Murphy, CTO, Atrenta; and Randy Smith, VP of Marketing, Sonics.
Very lively discussion among panelists, but also from the floor! Most notably editor Gabe Moretti of Chip Design and Simon Bloch of Samsung. Bloch, Sr. Director of R&D in mobile consumer wireless devices, posed questions and stimulated discussion to the point where he might be called the unannounced 6th panelist.
Over the next few blogposts, we’ll share snippets of that discussion. Gary Smith will start us off…..
Tags: 51DAC, Atrenta, Bernard Murphy, Cadence, Chip Design, DAC, Design Automation Conference, EDA, EDA & IP, Electronic Design Automation, Frank Schirrmeister, Gary Smith, GSEDA,, Internet of Things, IoT, IP, Jim Hogan, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Randy Smith, semiconductors, SoC, Sonics, System on Chip, VC, Wall Street, No Comments »
Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

As DAC frenzy hits us all, here’s an event that EDA/IP users and media people ought to consider attending.
It’s a Jim Hogan-moderated discussion event on
IoT system design concerns
Jim will 1) introduce the topic; 2) spur, moderate, provoke discussion and 3) sum up what we’ve learned during this session. Of course, this group of speakers are pretty opinionated and won’t need much provocation.
Tags: Atrenta, Bernard Murphy, Cadence, Chip Design, DAC, Design Automation Conference, EDA, EDA & IP, Electronic Design Automation, Frank Schirrmeister, functional verification, Gary Smith, GSEDA,, Internet of Things, IoT, Jim Hogan, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Randy Smith, register transfer level, RTL, semiconductors, SoC, Sonics, System on Chip No Comments »
Tuesday, August 13th, 2013
Do you want to know the latest on ESL? Curious what today’s tools look like?
Gary Smith will be conducting a webinar this coming Monday on this very topic – ESL – are you Ready?
Gary, along with Mike Gianfagna of Atrenta and Jason Andrews and Frank Schirrmeister of Cadence, will examine the evolution of ESL over the past few years and share the breakthroughs that have occurred in the flow.
When is it?
11:00-11:45 am PDT
Monday, August 19, 2013
Gary will be recognizing the industry’s “ESL Heroes.” Want to know what an ESL Hero is? Tune in Monday to find out.
You can register for the webinar here.

Tags: Atrenta, Cadence, Chip Design, EDA, Electronic Design Automation, Embedded, ESL, Gary Smith,, Lee Public Relations, semiconductors, software No Comments »
Tuesday, August 7th, 2012
Yesterday we heard from Jim Hogan on the NextOp acquisition. Today Gary Smith chimes in on NextOp and the recent Springsoft buyout.
Ed: What do the Atrenta acquisition of NextOp and the Synopsys acquisition of Springsoft mean to EDA?
Gary: Technology wise the Atrenta acquisition means that the Silicon Virtual Prototype is becoming a reality. Business wise it could be the start of the roll-up in the middle.
Springsoft was always a possible roller-upper but generally thought of as a long shot because of theirTaiwanheadquarters. Springsoft certainly makes Synopsys stronger, especially with the Laker analog product, but doesn’t affect the SVP or the RTL sign-off tool market. Debug is just being rolled up into the simulator.
Ed: What sort of new day does it herald for EDA?
Gary: With the creation of the SVP we now have the RTL sign-off established. This then is the breakpoint between design and implementation, just as the gate-level netlist was in the past. This will free up a large group of designers, and enable a new larger group of designers, which in-turn will cause the explosion of new systems development.
Ed: What’s the significance?
Gary: Growth, opportunity, money; the usual stuff.
Lee PR does work for Atrenta
Tags: acquisitions, Atrenta, buyouts, Chip Design, EDA, Electronics Design Automation, Finance, Gary Smith, NextOP, RTL, Semiconductor IP, semiconductors, Silicon Virtual Prototype, Springsoft, SVP, Synopsys No Comments »
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012
Gary Smith’s statement about the Atrenta acquisition of NextOp has been bandied about this morning in the news….“This could be the start of something big, and NextOp was an excellent place to start.”
See today’s news and analysis about Atrenta’s acquisition of assertion synthesis vendor NextOp plus an interview with Atrenta and NextOp execs in the following online publications:
EDA Café Blog: What Would Joe Do?
EDA Express
EE Daily News
EE Times News & Analysis
EE Times: EDA DesignLine
Gabe on EDA
System-Level Design
Tech Design Forums
Lee PR does work for Atrenta
Tags: Assertion Synthesis, Atrenta, EDA, EDA Cafe, EDA DesignLine, EDA Tech Design Forums, EE Daily News, EE Times, Electronic Design Automation, Gabe on EDA, Gary Smith, Jim Hogan, M&A, NextOP, NextOp Software, register transfer level, RTL, Semiconductor IP, semiconductors, SemiWiki, software, System-Level Design, verification No Comments »
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

Atrenta Accelerates Growth in Front End Design with Acquisition of NextOp Software, Inc.
SpyGlass design productivity enhancements expanded to functional verification for semiconductor and consumer electronics developers
SAN JOSE, Calif — June 20, 2012 — Atrenta Inc., a leading provider of SoC Realization solutions for the semiconductor and electronic systems industries, today announced that it has acquired NextOp Software, Inc., a leading provider of assertion synthesis technology. Atrenta’s products focus on improving efficiency and reducing cost for the design of complex semiconductor IP and system-on-chip (SoC) devices while NextOp’s products focus on improving efficiency and reducing cost for the functional verification of IPs and SoCs. The combination of both company’s products creates a more complete SoC Realization platform.
The acquisition of NextOp allows Atrenta to expand its de-facto standard SpyGlass® register transfer level (RTL) platform to include functional verification — an important and costly component of advanced SoC design. Utilizing patented static and formal analysis techniques, the SpyGlass platform currently provides RTL design efficiency improvements in the areas of linting, clock synchronization, power optimization, testability, timing constraints and physical routing congestion. The SpyGlass platform will now be expanded to include functional verification support using NextOp’s patented dynamic assertion synthesis technology, resulting in verification efficiency improvements for semiconductor and consumer electronics developers.
“The addition of NextOp’s functional verification technology will give our customers a distinct advantage by providing complete coverage of front end design activities,” said Dr. Ajoy Bose, chairman, president and CEO of Atrenta. “Atrenta’s customers have come to rely on SpyGlass to verify a broad range of design intent, but functional verification was a missing part of our platform. NextOp’s assertion synthesis completes this part of our offering – Atrenta customers will now have added confidence that their designs will work as expected while meeting schedule and performance requirements. We are very excited to bring these innovative solutions and the resulting expanded benefits to our large customer base. ”
“Atrenta is one of the largest private EDA companies,” said Dr. Yunshan Zhu, president and CEO of NextOp Software. “NextOp has pioneered assertion synthesis technology. Our tool is now widely deployed in production at multiple tier 1 customers – many of whom also use SpyGlass. Atrenta’s world-class field operation will further accelerate the mainstream adoption of assertion synthesis.”
“I’ve heard good things about NextOp’s verification technology from some impressive customers – the combination of Atrenta’s RTL design and NextOp’s RTL verification technology will improve the entire SoC Realization process,” said Jim Hogan, EDA industry veteran and private investor. “I’m also glad to see private/private acquisitions like this happening again after such a long dry spell. Atrenta could be leading a trend in renewed growth for the EDA sector.”
“With the acquisition of Magma there has been renewed talk about a roll-up in the middle of the EDA community,” saidGary Smith, founder and chief analyst for Gary SmithEDA. “The most obvious candidates are the RTL sign-off tool vendors, and the most talked about driver, of the roll-up, has been Atrenta. This could be the start of something big, and NextOp was an excellent place to start.”
NextOp’s BugScope assertion synthesis tool will be sold and supported by the combined Atrenta/NextOp worldwide field organization. Dr. Yunshan Zhu will assume the role of vice president, new technologies reporting to Dr. Ajoy Bose. Dr. Yuan Lu, co-founder and CTO of NextOp will assume the role of chief verification architect reporting to Dr. Zhu. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
About Assertion Synthesis
Assertion synthesis leverages design and test bench information to automatically generate high quality assertions and functional coverage properties. Generating assertions and coverage properties manually is tedious and error-prone. Assertions represent a machine-readable version of design intent and are used to improve verification completeness. Functional coverage properties identify functional coverage deficiencies providing guidance for verification teams. When used together, design teams can reduce functional verification time and improve overall functional coverage, resulting in lower design costs, better first-time silicon success and improved quality.
About Atrenta
Atrenta’s SpyGlass® Predictive Analysis software platform significantly improves design efficiency for the world’s leading semiconductor and consumer electronics companies. Patented solutions provide early design insight into the demanding performance, power and area requirements of the complex system on chips (SoCs) fueling today’s consumer electronics revolution. More than two hundred companies and thousands of design engineers worldwide rely on SpyGlass to reduce risk and cost before traditional EDA tools are deployed. SpyGlass functions like an interactive guidance system for design engineers and managers, finding the fastest and least expensive path to implementation for complex SoCs. SpyGlass from Atrenta: Insight. Efficiency. Confidence.
About NextOp Software
NextOp Software, Inc. is focused on delivering assertion-based verification solutions that allow design and verification teams to uncover bugs, expose functional coverage holes, and increase verification observability. NextOp’s BugScope assertion synthesis is the first product to automatically generate whitebox assertions and functional coverage properties in SVA, PSL and Verilog formats. BugScope’s properties are used to drive progressive, targeted verification via robust, executable design specifications for existing simulation, formal and emulation flows. The company is headquartered at2900 Gordon Avenue, Suite 100,Santa Clara,CA95051. For more information, visit or call +1 408-830-9885.
© 2012 Atrenta Inc. All rights reserved. Atrenta, the Atrenta logo and SpyGlass are registered trademarks of Atrenta Inc. BugScope and NextOp are trademarks of NextOp Software, Inc. All others are the property of their respective holders.
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Atrenta disclaims any obligation and does not undertake to update or revise the forward-looking statements in this press release.
Lee PR does work for Atrenta
Tags: Ajoy Bose, Assertion Synthesis, Atrenta, EDA, Electronic Design Automation, Gary Smith, Jim Hogan, NextOP, NextOp Software, register transfer level, RTL, semiconductors, SoC, software, SypGlass, System on Chip, verification, Yunshan Zhu No Comments »