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EDA will auction some really cool stuff

Monday, September 30th, 2013


There’s an EDA industry reunion at the Computer History Museum on October 16th. “EDA: Back to the Future” is being put on by EDAC along with several sponsors, and it looks like it will be a night to remember.  To learn more about the event and purchase tickets click here.

Part of this event is a fund raising auction.  I recently talked with Mike Gianfagna at Atrenta about the auction to understand what that part is all about.


Ed: Mike, I understand that part of the event on October 16th is a fund raising auction.  Can you tell me a little about that?

Mike:  Sure Ed. The Computer History Museum is working on an exhibit for EDA – one that captures the rich history of this industry and preserves some of its innovation in the form of physical artifacts and some of its pioneers in the form of oral histories, captured on video. It’s a terrific project, but we need money to keep the progress going. The auction on the evening of October 16th is focused on raising that money.


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