Posts Tagged ‘EDA DesignLine’
Thursday, May 16th, 2013
The final word on the BIG theme(s) for DAC comes from Brian Bailey, Editor of EE Times EDA Designline……

For many people, the attendance numbers seem to be the number one issue on their minds this year. DAC has never been to Austin in its 50 year history and only once been to Texas. Yet there is, and has always been, a very large design community in that area, a group of people that have perhaps been overlooked. A head count seems to be a very unimportant number, even though it is an easy metric. But we are an intelligent industry that should know a lot about metrics and I think there are more useful metrics in this case, such as the number of first time attendees.
Tags: 50DAC, Austin, DAC, DAC2013, DAC50, Design Automation Conference, EDA, EDA DesignLine, EE Times, Electronic Design Automation, EUV, FinFETs,, IP, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, semiconductors 1 Comment »
Wednesday, October 10th, 2012
Narayana Koduri’s article on Power Awareness in RTL Design Analysis was the second of two Atrenta articles that EE Times editor Brian Bailey named as the ten most-read contributed articles published in EDA Designline. Along with number one article Understanding Clock Domain Issues by Saurabh Verma and Ashima Dabare, Atrenta appears to be the only company with two articles in this top ten list.
So even though his article appeared in July 2012, we asked Narayana to give us an update on what he sees as the power awareness challenges. Here’s what he had to say.
Ed: Narayana, your article sure addressed a hot topic in SoC design. And judging by the readers you got, the design community liked what you had to say. What can you add to your July 2012 article?
Narayana: Thanks Ed. From what I can see, due to aggressive low power requirements, power domains are being implemented in a growing number of SoC designs to reduce both leakage and dynamic power.
Ed: How so?
Narayana: UPF or CPF can be used to define the power intent to capture information such as power domains, level shifter requirements, isolation cells, retention cells, power switch cells, etc. These specifications will help implementation tools and verification tools to deal with the power intent properly.
Ed: So how best to deal with power intent?
Narayana: RTL tools that verify aspects of the SoC such as clock domain crossings, testability, timing and routing congestion need to be aware of the power intent. If not, the verification is not complete and this may lead to design failures or a costly re-spin of the design. This need for power-aware verification is driving new requirements in the EDA tool flow.
NOTE: For an update on Understanding Clock Domain Issues see our blog of October 3.
Note: Lee PR does work for Atrenta
Tags: Atrenta, Brian Bailey, CDC, CPF, EDA, EDA DesignLine, EE Times, low power, Power awareness, power domains, register transfer level, RTL, semiconductors, SoC, UPF, verification No Comments »
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012
 Ashima Dabare
 Saurabh Verma
On the heels of EE Times editor Brian Bailey naming their article “Understanding clock domain issues” the number one article on EDA Designline, we checked in with authors Saurabh Verma and Ashima Dabare on what they see as developments and new challenges since they wrote their 2007 article. Here’s what they said.
Ed: It appears that your article got twice the number of views as the number two article. Congratulations on the EE Times recognition!
Obviously, CDC was an important design issue in 2007 and it certainly is today. What would you say to designers today?
Ashima: CDC design is evolving and so are the synchronization techniques and verification tools. Since we have written this article we have witnessed new challenges posed to CDC verification tools.
One that comes to mind is evolving synchronization styles. In addition to clever variations of synchronization techniques introduced by designers trying to meet their design objective or schedule, new architectures such as those required for a network on a chip (NoC) have been introduced which in turn require verification tools to re-invent themselves.
Recently CDC tools have introduced generic synchronization verification techniques that do not rely on the structure of the synchronizer and analyze clock domain crossings at the protocol level allowing them to better recognize synchronizers, reduce “noise” and improve root cause analysis.
Saurabh: Also, global chip design dictates blocks and IPs to be designed in various geographical locations. The person doing CDC verification is rarely the designer. CDC verification tools are now challenged with providing root-cause analysis of CDC problems to people who have little knowledge of the block.
I also see as a fact that design size is fast growing and so are the number of clocks and clock domains. Combined with the move toward global chip development, flat CDC verification of large SoCs would be a painful exercise where bugs can easily slip through.
The divide and conquer approach seems to be the best possible approach. To begin with, the lower level blocks should be analyzed and CDC issues, if any, should be fixed at the block level itself. Once all the individual blocks are CDC clean, their abstract models can be plugged in and the complete design can be analyzed for CDC issues at the interconnect level.
Ed: So how would you sum up what CDC design needs in 2012?
Ashima: With the ever increasing complexity of design styles, robust CDC verification is indispensable to enable successful chips in the first silicon attempt!
Note: as near as we can tell, Atrenta is the only company to place two articles in Bailey’s top ten. Narayana Koduri’s Power awareness in RTL design analysis came in as ninth most read. We’ll catch up with him next week, so stay tuned.
Note: Lee PR does work for Atrenta
Tags: Atrenta, CDC, CDC verification, Chip Design, Clock Domain, EDA, EDA DesignLine, EE Times, Electronic Design Automation, Network on Chip, NoC, semiconductors, SoC, System on Chip No Comments »
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012
Gary Smith’s statement about the Atrenta acquisition of NextOp has been bandied about this morning in the news….“This could be the start of something big, and NextOp was an excellent place to start.”
See today’s news and analysis about Atrenta’s acquisition of assertion synthesis vendor NextOp plus an interview with Atrenta and NextOp execs in the following online publications:
EDA Café Blog: What Would Joe Do?
EDA Express
EE Daily News
EE Times News & Analysis
EE Times: EDA DesignLine
Gabe on EDA
System-Level Design
Tech Design Forums
Lee PR does work for Atrenta
Tags: Assertion Synthesis, Atrenta, EDA, EDA Cafe, EDA DesignLine, EDA Tech Design Forums, EE Daily News, EE Times, Electronic Design Automation, Gabe on EDA, Gary Smith, Jim Hogan, M&A, NextOP, NextOp Software, register transfer level, RTL, Semiconductor IP, semiconductors, SemiWiki, software, System-Level Design, verification No Comments »
Thursday, February 9th, 2012
To finish off our series of predictions, I would like to point you to another series of interesting and informative prophesies. Click on the following topics to see these predictions collected by Brian Bailey, Editor of EDA DesignLine.
Industry Trends
IP and Physical Design
The Bold Prediction for EDA
A big THANK YOU from Ed & me (Liz) to all who shared their eye opening predictions with us. Click on their names to see their predictions. Mike Gianfagna, Karen Bartleson, Paul McLellan, Jens Andersen, Bob Smith, Steve Schulz, Mathias Silvant, Herb Reiter, Max Maxfield, Chris Edwards, John Barr.
Only time will tell……
 The Persistence of Memory, 1931, Salvador Dali
Tags: 2.5D, 2012, 3D, 3D stacked die, Ansys, Atrenta, Cadence, Dassault, Double Patterning, EDA, EDA & IP, eda 2 asic Consulting, EDA DesignLine, EDA360, EdXact, Electronic Design Automation, Engineering & Technology, FPGA, Invarian, investment, IP, Lee PR, Lithography, low power, Low Power Design, Low-Power Design Blog, Magma, Maxfield High-Tech Consulting, Mentor, Needham, New Electronics, Programmable Logic, Programmable Logic DesignLine, publishing,, Semiconductor IP, semiconductors, Si2, SoC, SoC Realization, social media, software, Standards, Synopsys, System on Chip, Tech Design Forum, textbooks, No Comments »