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Archive for October, 2014

What was he thinking?

Monday, October 27th, 2014

More like, WTF?  Clueless…

Is high tech really this bad?

Click here to find out.

What do you think?

Jim Hogan and Bernard Murphy on IoT Security: How the human body’s defense mechanism may be the model for repelling attacks on the IoT

Thursday, October 16th, 2014


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This article by Atrenta’s CTO Bernard Murphy and investor Jim Hogan has attracted a lot of interest.

Murphy and Hogan say that we can draw inspiration from biology on how to design the IoT fortress: specifically, how the human body wards off attacks from bacteria, viruses, other bad and harmful stuff.

And they describe in detail the concept on how electronic engineers can plan to do so.

It’s an intriguing piece  that gives electronic designers a first huge step on how to secure the IoT and keep those of us who are IoT-interconnected – Borg Collective like – protected from the inevitable cyber attacks.

Biology, Deceit & Security in the Internet of Things

What do you think?


AtaiTec co-author shows how reducing skew can improve a channel’s insertion-loss-to-crosstalk-ratio

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

AtaiTec Corp. president Dr. Ching-Chao Huang co-authored a DesignCon 2014 paper that looks at new methodologies to characterize connectors for 25+ Gbps boards.

What’s eye opening is how the authors used AtaiTec’s In-Situ De-embedding (ISD) software to extract connector-only data from a large board and compare them directly with simulation results from a 3D field solver.

Learn more about this finding here:



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