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Archive for August 25th, 2014

What is the EDA Editorial Brain Trust Today?

Monday, August 25th, 2014


The EDA editorial brain trust today is the topic of our continuing conversation with Richard Goering and Brian Fuller.  


Brian Fuller

Brian Fuller

Richard Goering

Richard Goering















ED:  What is the EDA editorial brain trust these days?

RICHARD: Not sure how you’re defining “brain trust,” but if there is one, it’s with the vendors and the independent on-line publications.

ED:  Who makes up the EDA editorial brain trust?

RICHARD:  If you add it all up, there are still a number of editors with deep EDA and semiconductor experience – they’re just no longer with print publications.

Additionally, there are now a number of writers and bloggers who didn’t start as journalists but who turned in that direction during the transition away from print.


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