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 What's PR got to do with it?
Ed Lee
Ed Lee
Ed Lee has been around EDA since before it was called EDA. He cut his teeth doing Public Relations with Valid, Cadence, Mentor, ECAD, VLSI, AMI and a host of others. And he has introduced more than three dozen EDA startups, ranging from the first commercial IP company to the latest statistical … More »

The IoT – Supply is only successful if there is demand

July 30th, 2014 by Ed Lee

More on our coverage of the panel on the IoT……Audience member, Gabe Moretti, had quite a bit to say about the IoT and the automobile.  And Jim Hogan shares a story.

5.1.2Moretti: Let me talk to you about the very latest model car….The first thing it does when I get in the car is ask me for my cell phone.  It connects to my cell phone, and only some of the functions are available to me if I have the cell phone with me…and the cell phone is off.  What’s the problem I have with all of us engineers talking about what a great opportunity IoT is?  We’re forgetting that supply is only successful if there is a demand.

So I look at my car, and I’m really not very happy.  Why not?  Because it keeps me in my lane and forces me to turn on the turn signal if I want to change lanes.  And if I don’t, the wheel shakes.  And this red light comes on.  The car keeps me at a safe distance.  Looking into the near future, I can see that my car will soon be smart because the road is smart, and the car will keep me at the speed limit on the road.

But all of us drivers in the cars are going to say “damn it!  Why can’t I go any faster?”  So we should think about what we plan to build because the very first thing that happens is you’re the one who buys it.

Schirrmeister: The notion of the security aspects of adoption will only happen if the value you get from it is high enough.  In this case, the value of being forbidden to ignore the speed limit myself is obviously preventing me from buying it.

Hogan:  I’ve got a story.

So I’m down in Mexico, and I’ve got my kid with me and I’ve rented a jeep, we’re in Cabo, and we’re off to the condo.  And I’ve got him strapped in, in the back, and we pass a pickup.

And the pickup’s got three people in the front.  In the back it’s got the whole family and the family dog.  Everybody’s having a great time.  We’re moving along at 2 miles per hour.

And my kid says to me, “Hey!  Did you ever do that?”  I say, “Yeah, when I was a kid we’d ride around in the back of pickups with the dog and stuff.  It was a great time.”

And he says, “We can’t do that anymore.”

And I say, “It’s against the law.  It’s a safety issue.”

He says, “When did someone decide it was against the law?”

“You know, I don’t know.”

But somewhere along the way, they took the right for me to be stupid away from me.  So, think about this. 1.2 million people die a year.  70,000 people get injured seriously.  So the insurance companies are going to make sure that you don’t get to drive your car stupidly.

Moretti:  That’s OK as long as my insurance goes down tremendously, I’ll be happy.

Hogan:  But what will happen is somehow it won’t be as fun anymore.


Gabe is right!  Our cars won’t break the speed limit even if WE want to?  

Jim is right!  We can’t even choose to be stupid any more?  Where’s the fun in that?   

Readers…………….what do you think?

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