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 What's PR got to do with it?
Ed Lee
Ed Lee
Ed Lee has been around EDA since before it was called EDA. He cut his teeth doing Public Relations with Valid, Cadence, Mentor, ECAD, VLSI, AMI and a host of others. And he has introduced more than three dozen EDA startups, ranging from the first commercial IP company to the latest statistical … More »

What’s the BIG theme for DAC50?

May 14th, 2013 by Ed Lee

DAC is upon us….and in Austin, of all places – the island in the middle of Texas.

As it’s getting closer, we were wondering what the BIG theme is for the 50th DAC.  So, we asked a few of our friends and colleagues in the industry.  Here’s what a few of them had to say.

I expect DAC to continue to explore low power challenges, with much talk about solving FinFET issues at 14 and 10 nm. Then there is the ever expanding SoC and how to handle all of the challenges that come with greater integration and IP reuse. Finally, what’s DAC without a discussion of Moore’s Law and whether it will/won’t continue to define industry progress in the years to come?

~ Joe Desposito, Editor-in-Chief, Electronic Design

The topics that I am confident you will be hearing a lot about at DAC would be…

1.  FinFET-ready tools and flows

2.  Increased IP focus.

3.  Lawsuits (SNPS vs MENT, CDNS vs BDA)

4.  “The Internet of Things” is the industry’s new buzz word, though nothing new in EDA directed at that space.

~ Mike Demler, Industry Analyst at The Linley Group

More insights tomorrow.

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