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Archive for August 8th, 2016

Custom Compiler at DAC 2016

Monday, August 8th, 2016

DAC 2016 saw the first Synopsys custom design luncheon to feature Custom Compiler. It was a sold out event with 150 customer attendees eager to hear from Synopsys and other customers about how Synopsys is progressing in the custom design space. Antun Domic, Executive VP and General Manager of Synopsys’ Design Group moderated the event which included speakers from STMicroelectronics, GSI Technology, Samsung Foundry and the Synopsys IP team. For those of you who missed the live event, following is a short summary of the event highlights.


Antun opened the proceedings and presented Synopsys’ fresh approach to custom layout with Custom Compiler. He shared details of the pioneering visually-assisted automation technologies that speed up custom design tasks, reduce iterations and enable reuse.

Antun then went on to introduce each of the customer speakers who related their experiences using Custom Compiler and how visually-assisted automation helped them reduce their layout efforts from days to hours.


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