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A Conversation With Andrew Zai of IEEE

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

Recently I participated in an online interview with Andrew Zai, social media chair for the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, to discuss the history of phased arrays/radar and the role of simulation software. You can listen to the podcast here. In preparing for our conversation, Andrew provided me with some questions he thought we could talk about and I, in turn, did a little historical research on the history of simulation and phased-array radar development. The following interview covers some of the topics that we did not get to discuss during the podcast.



5G Makes Its Public Debut at the Winter Games

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

NI and our customers spend considerable time and effort deep in the development of technology that will enable next-generation communications. We have been working on 5G technology for several years now—long before the general public will experience its amazing capabilities. However, it is worth noting that we and a global audience will be treated to a first look at 5G in February with the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea.

In addition to the athletic competition, this event will provide one of the first large-scale demonstrations of next-generation wireless media access thanks to 5G. Collaborators Intel and Korea Telecom (KT), with support from global equipment makers and chipmakers such as Samsung, LG, Nokia, Ericsson, ZTE, Qualcomm, Huawei, and others, will showcase select services to enhance the viewing experience with special networks set up in Gangneung Olympic Park, Gwanghwamoon, Seoul, and at other Olympic venues across Korea.

DesignCon 2011 – Engineering Curiosity a Buzz!

Friday, March 25th, 2011

DesignCon 2011 just ended, and it was the first year for AWR to exhibit. While a number of you use our software for high-speed SI design work, we have not allocated a significant portion of our tradeshow budget to this segment in the past. This year, however, we’ve changed it. We’ve expanded our presence at this show from largely tutorial in nature– thank you Dr. John Dunn for 3 years of top-notch talks on EM at this conference – to one that also incorporates a booth, partner demonstrations and on-line EDA Café interviews. (thanks Graham!)

Working a tradeshow booth is not usually a highlight for most people, but I can sincerely say that DesignCon was a real pleasure. This show was jam-packed with curious design engineers, and many proactively stopped by our booth and said, “I know AWR. What are you showing here?” The curiosity of the engineering community is contagious and the camaraderie extends to the aisles where questions and answers flowed freely. It was hard not to get excited by the buzz in the atmosphere and dynamics of all the attendees.

http://www.awr-startdesigning.comThe show in many ways made me realize why AWR’s next ad campaign, “Stop Waiting and Start Designing” makes perfect sense. Our collective curiosity as engineers, designers, marketers, and managers keeps us pushing the limit of what’s possible. In the same way that AWR software makes designing the next big “GHz & beyond” wireless system or gadget possible, isn’t it time you got curious too and found out how and why?  Go ahead. Get curious. Learn more about AWR and how are software solutions are advancing the wireless revolution:

Let’s do lunch!

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

Working Mothers magazine(Aka grab a coffee, have a chat, ah heck, let’s just meet face to face!)

Now that I have your attention…. Yeah. Let’s do lunch.  I was reading a past issue of my “Working Mothers” magazine the other day – their ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’ issue –and came across a factoid that said taking a lunch break is a great way to reenergize yourself.  Step out of the office, stretch your body and mind, and recharge your spirit.

I agree.  I am not one to eat at my desk. I need to get out of the office even if it is eating out with co-workers.  The few minutes of walking out the door and into the sunshine/rain/cold/heat – whatever it may be – wakes up the mind, body and spirit.  And it is definitely a much better way to get that jolt of energy for the afternoon rather than relying solely on the lovely vice of caffeine.

So why am I talking about lunch?  Going out for lunch and the upside it brings in the way of fresh ideas and new connections with people is the exact same benefit that tradeshows and conferences give us.  So, let’s step out of the office, stretch our bodies and minds and recharge our spirits at DesignCon 2011.

How can you make the most out of DesignCon? Get out and meet people. Talk, exchange ideas, and fuel one another’s creative and technical psyche.  That’s what a business lunch or a well-organized conference can do for us.

This year at DesignCon, AWR will be a first time exhibitor but on top of the usual booth duty, I’ve set up quite a few meetings, lunches, breakfasts and dinners to make this event a worthy place to conduct business. Going to the show and spending time “just standing” at your exhibit or spending your free time “by yourself” is the same as eating lunch at your desk.

So here’s my challenge to you:

  • Take advantage of the close proximity of the venue and the many colleagues gathered together.
  • Challenge yourself to “do lunch” with at least one other partner, customer or friend at the show.
  • Maybe even visit with the publications and hear what others in the industry are saying.

I know you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the ideas that flow. And if for some reason, you can’t locate a willing participant for lunch… come find me. I’ll be at AWR Booth #423

Stop Waiting and Start Surfing

Monday, September 20th, 2010

I met a friend of a friend of a friend in early July at my friend’s husband’s garage band debut. Long story short, my new friend is a surfer and offered to teach me when I said that one of the things on my bucket list is to try to surf.


Sherry Hess Learning to Surf

But then I stopped myself and said, ok….enough with the negatives. Look at the positives of trying to learn to surf. It is something new, different, very LA. Exercise, social, looks peaceful in a crazy sort of way. Why not embrace life and be willing to stretch myself out of my usual comfort zone? Nothing ventured, nothing gained comes to mind!

And then it hit me. This activity is risky. And the reward is completely unknown. That’s the real dilemma…fear of the unknown. Wow. Am I admitting this to all of you? Fear stops us from doing a lot of things. Sometimes for the better…sometimes not.

Well, for those of you who know me, I’m not usually known for being one to pass up a chance to live life outside my comfort zone so—yes, you guessed it—I am going to go for it!  Now the question for you my reader is this…. would you stop waiting and start surfing? (to be continued)… In the meantime check out AWR.TV for new channels and videos…

The New Company Culture—Play vs. Pay

Monday, July 19th, 2010

Well, another IMS has come and gone, and once again we survived the chaos of getting ready and then pulled off a fantastic show. While wandering the show floor and perusing other exhibitors’ booths, I couldn’t help but notice a clear divide between booth personnel who looked happy and excited and those who looked a bit disconnected, and yes, even bored. Then after I returned to the office I coincidentally viewed two interesting videos, one on YouTube and one on 60 Minutes –thank you Mom & Dad for making me watch this over the years- that gave me one possible answer.

The first clip on YouTube was from Innovation Daily: RSA Animate — Drive: Dan Pink and the Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. A very clever animated cartoon presentation that was indeed surprising, it discussed irrefutable evidence that workers are motivated not, as you would think, by more money or pay, but instead by the sheer pleasure of creating or working on something meaningful that receives positive feedback. The typical motivation scheme within organizations is to reward performance with a monetary incentive. Tests have found that once cognitive skill/ conceptual creative thinking comes into play, a larger reward led to poorer performance! Studies have found that if you pay people enough so that money is not an issue, three factors lead to better performance and personal satisfaction: autonomy or desire to be self-directed, mastery—the urge to get better at stuff, and sense of purpose.


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