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 ASIC with Ankit
Ankit Gopani
Ankit Gopani
Ankit Gopani is Experienced Design Verification Engineer. He has been working in the field of ASIC Design and verification and have worked on various IP, SOC, module and subsystem level verification. Ankit has been in the industry for more than 15 years. He is well-known name in the field of ASIC … More »

The two Door Keepers: An Assertion, to make sure bad thing does not happen and coverage, to make sure Good thing happens!

February 19th, 2013 by Ankit Gopani

Dear Readers,

The two Door Keepers: An Assertion, to make sure bad thing does not happen and coverage, to make sure Good thing happens!

As we all know SVA (System Verilog Assertions) and SV Coverage are playing major role in test bench implementation which helps us achieving maximum confidence on bug free design. These components in the test environments are working as a ‘Door Keepers’! Assertions are mainly doing job to make sure bad things does not happen and Coverage is mainly doing job to make sure Good thing happens!!

Read the rest of The two Door Keepers: An Assertion, to make sure bad thing does not happen and coverage, to make sure Good thing happens!

Designs or Verification Test bench becomes complex and difficult to handle at end of the day!!

February 4th, 2013 by Ankit Gopani

As we all know debugging is not an easy task and requires lots of attentions and effort to figure out the issues! Well, it is not at free of cost! (Debugging is not free!) This is true for both Design as well as Verification engineers.

ASIC/FPGAs are becoming more and more complex day by day and because of that RTL design and Verification environments are becoming super complex! Usually engineers start writing a code with good understanding in mind from defined specification or standards. With the complexity and sometime way of writing code makes design code / verification environment complex and difficult to handle. When debugging comes in picture, sometime discussion makes debugging easy. Thinking of possible scenarios, causes and problem solving ideas varies engineers to engineers! When you stuck with debugging some issue and you don’t get any clue, don’t spend huge amount of time debugging the same issue because “debugging is not free”, instead try discussing the scenario with your team mates, you would mostly get the hint or clue to identify and fix the issues. Obviously your colleague should be supportive in natureJ. This is one of the potential places where TEAM work comes in picture!

Read the rest of Designs or Verification Test bench becomes complex and difficult to handle at end of the day!!

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