Recognizing a problem that engineers are facing and developing a solution has been Aldec’s rather straight-forward mantra for going on thirty years now. Aldec launched its Hardware Emulation Solutions (HES) product in 2003, integrating RTL simulation with hardware emulation, and offering hardware and software design teams the ability to work concurrently. Today HES™ is a fully automated and scriptable HybridVerification and Validation environment for SoC and ASIC designs capable of bit-level simulation acceleration, SCE-MI 2.1 transaction emulation, hardware prototyping, and virtual modeling.

Aldec Design and Verification
Posts Tagged ‘automated and scriptable hybridverification’
How HES™ Technology Solved Problems for These Users
Monday, October 20th, 2014Tags: Aldec, automated and scriptable hybridverification, bit-level simulation acceleration, debugging, embedded, fabless semiconductor company, fpga ASIC prototypes, fpga-based emulation system, hardware emulation solutions, hardware prototyping, hes product, hes technology, hes usecases, HES-7, HES-DVM, SCE-MI 2.1 transaction emulation, sce-mi emulation, SoC and ASIC designs, SoC and ASIC Prototyping, uvm, validation environment, verification, virtual modeling
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